Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Almost Christmas!

I can't believe that Christmas Eve is tomorrow. It seems like yesterday I was fretting about the Halloween party. But here it is. The presents have been bought, most of them assembled as needed and/or wrapped. I've baked and delivered gifts for the neighbors and friends, and even hosted a cookie exchange a couple of weeks ago.

At this point, I'm feeling pretty relaxed about everything. We'll spend the day at home tomorrow, preparing for Christmas carols at church then dinner with my parents and Wayne's mom & step-dad. Then it'll be time to exchange gifts and put some very excited kids to bed. It should be a relaxing, enjoyable evening.

I'm not looking forward to kids waking us up in the wee hours of the morning on Christmas Day, though. Last year it was around 4am when Wyatt woke to discover that Santa had indeed visited. I'm hoping we make it until at least 6am this year! I did a lot of lounging on the couch last year once the gifts were opened and breakfast was over.

I hope our friends and family all are safe and able to spend time with your loved ones. I know I'm thankful to have so many that I hold dear so close to me.